- +91 85111 88801 | +91 63556 43253
Time of flight diffraction (TOFD) is an advanced ultrasonic non-destructive testing method used for inspection of welds. Time of flight diffraction (TOFD) is one of the most reliable NDT method for pre-service and in-service inspection of welds.An accurate assessment of welded joints is necessary for stability, safety, integrity for maintaining the reliability of parts.
This ultrasonic method (UT) method has an application in variety of industries like Petrochemical, Oil and Gas, automobile, fabrication and many others.
Advantages of TOFD (Time Of Flight Diffraction)
- No shutdown is required.
- Inspection data is recorded and can be stored digitally.
- Real-time imaging.
- All types of weld defects can be detected.
- Accurate sizing of the discontinuities can be done.